Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thoughts for the Day...

A couple of things have come to my attention recently. First, it was mentioned to me by several different sources that a few teenagers who are near to my heart but in some cases far from me geographically are regular readers of my blog. This makes me incredibly happy, mainly because I am always thrilled to hear that someone is actually reading this, but also because, when it's someone I know and love but don't see nearly enough of, it makes them seem just a little bit closer.

At the same time, though, it caused me wonder...hmmm, is my blog really teenager appropriate? Obviously, I try to keep in mind that what I'm writing could be read by anyone and everyone (or, alternately, no one at all!). This is why you don't see the kids names or pictures (So far, at least. I may get over that at some point, but at this point, I'm continuing my freakish ways when it comes to potential weirdos...which of course none of you are. I'm talking about all the other potential weirdos). And, sometimes, believe it or not, I do censor myself because after I write something, I think, no, that's probably not appropriate for a blog that anyone could be reading. Having said that, this is my life that I'm writing about, and well, it is what it is.

I also try to keep in mind that I want NBO to be able to read this...eventually. Obviously, though, some of it will have to wait until they are much older because it would be highly inappropriate for me, as their mother, to show them something with so many references to alcohol at this point in their lives--or anytime in the near future. Oh, but apparently, it's OK for your kids (or you, if you're the kid) to read so many references to alcohol. See where I'm going with this?

So, here's my disclaimer to the teenagers in my life: just because I have mentioned alcohol and/or xanax 31 times over the course of 26 posts doesn't mean that I am suggesting that either of those things would be a good idea for you, recreationally speaking. They would not be. (Although, I have to tell you, I counted, and I thought the number of alcohol and xanax references was going to be way higher than that!).  Keep a few things in mind: I write about drinking way more than I actually do it. I am legal. I drink in moderation. I do not take xanax, but when if I do, it will be because my doctor prescribes it because I am on the verge of losing my mind. The most important thing you should keep in mind is that my parents are no longer here to kick my @$$ ground me. The same cannot be said for yours.

This brings me to the second thing that has come to my attention. Two words seem to come up a lot when people comment on my posts. Can you guess what those two words are?

Crazy momma? No, but that's a good guess, and highly accurate!
Sleepless Nights? Nope, but also accurate!
Undisciplined Children? No, but I'm sure people are thinking it.
White Russians? Oh shoot..make that 32 times.
Heavily Medicated? Nope. Wishful thinking...
Saint Maryann? No. That's a GREAT guess though.
Poor Jimmy? Also accurate.
Bud Light? Fine, 33 times.

Give up?
The two words that come up the most are probably also the most obvious:
Birth Control!

So, with that in mind, to the teenagers in my life, I say this:
Please keep reading. Just pay attention. Very, very close attention.
And remember, I don't make this stuff up.

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