Friday, February 10, 2012

Don't be a Leader...Be a Follower!

"I have found the paradox that, if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."

Mother Teresa said that. I love Mother Teresa., Who doesn't? I mean, she's Mother Teresa. I love that quote, too, and I often think that's what I should be aspiring to. And some days, I do. Aspire to it, that is. Usually I fail miserably. I am too focused on other things to think about how I should be loving people more. I should probably work on that. Speaking of the other things I am focused on, we have our own version of this quote in our house. It goes like this:

"I have found that, if you scrub syrup off the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling, until you think there can't possibly be more syrup, there will still be more syrup."

There's another quote I think about alot. It's this one:

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
 Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend".

I've always loved that quote. With NBO, though, it's a little different. In our house, it's more like this:

"Don't walk in front of me, I'm likely to push you down the stairs.
Don't walk behind me, you're likely to step in the pieces of banana I just dropped.
And, come to think of it, don't walk beside me either, cause I'm gonna hit you and tell you to get away from me".

In spite of this, or maybe because of it, I hope my kids won't be followers, unless they are following something or someone good. And I hope that, if they are leaders, they will lead in a good direction. N, as the oldest, already shows great leadership potential. I'm just a little afraid of what might happen to the people who have the audacity not to follow her. And B, well, I think he's probably a good leader, too. I'm just nervous about what exactly he will lead people into. O, as the youngest, may very well be a follower, at least until he comes into his own. He's pretty used to following N and B. Sometimes this is good, and sometimes it is very,very frightening. My guess is, like most of us, they will each have times of being leaders and times of being followers. Hopefully, though, whether they are at the front of the line, or the back, or somewhere in the middle, they will be going in the right direction.

And that brings me to you. Yes, YOU! I would love for you to be a follower--it's not always a bad thing! So, if you like what you read here, please consider clicking on that "join this site" button on the right hand side of my page. You don't even have to use your real name! I can't promise that I will always lead you in the right direction, but I can promise that you will smile, laugh, or at least breathe a sigh of relief that you are only reading about my life, and not living it.  At some point, I may stop linking this from facebook, as I sometimes wonder if I am being annoying to the people who don't want to read this. And, selfishly, I like to know that people are reading. Either way, as always, thanks for reading!

The decision, of course, is yours.
After all, you can lead a camel to water, but you can't make him drink.
Or, in this case, I can lead you to tequila, but I can't make you lick it off the floor.

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