Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I try to remember to be grateful, though some days it's easier than others.

Yesterday I was trying for what seemed like hours to get all of us out the door. B was not cooperating. Then he couldn't find his shoes. He finally found them, and proceeded to  throw them at me. Hmm...this would normally require a time out. But the whole morning had been a time out. We needed to go. And besides, if anyone is getting a time out around here, it's going to be me. Someone will read this and think how I'm not being consistent. Yeah, whatever. I figure that being consistently exhausted and consistently losing my mind is probably enough consistence. B did not get a time out. But he did get his shoes on. Then O needed a diaper. I thought we were finally on our way out the door, when O decided to pour the dog's water all over the floor. N promptly slipped in it, so she had to change her clothes before we could go.

Some days I really do wonder where the hidden camera is.

We finally got in the car. B and N were fighting. Someone is crying. I think it might be me. B unfastens his seat belt as I'm backing out of the driveway, causing me to stop and re-fasten it. I tell him, in my mean mommy voice, that it is NOT ok to touch your seat belt. N tells me I'm scary. I briefly think how sad that is, and then remember that was the effect I was going for.

None of this made me feel particularly grateful at the time. But as I am writing this, I am feeling incredibly grateful. Because they are sleeping.

B also tries to remember to be grateful. He is particularly thankful for Chuck E Cheese. He said so himself in his prayers the other night. He's also thankful for ice cream. And for pie. I think the last time he had pie was on Thanksgiving, but that's the great thing about gratitude. It's never too late.

Me, I'm grateful for kids who can be grateful for Chuck E Cheese and pie, and who say things like "Mom can you carry me? My eyes are awake, but my legs aren't."

I'm also grateful that the only things wrong with their legs--or any other part of them--is that they are asleep.

I'm grateful that they can say completely wonderfully random things like,  "Wow, what a beautiful day. And no skunks today. They must only come out on Wednesday".

I'm also grateful when they say things like, "Dad, are you gonna die if I cover your mouth and you can't breathe?"

I'm grateful for that one because at least he asked first.

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