Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Things I am Officially Tired of Hearing Myself Say...

Why are you crying? Why is she crying?
Why is he crying? Stop it!
Get off of him. Get off of her.
Stop kicking, and Don't hit!

Come down from there. Please stand up.
Stop spitting and don't scream.
No, you cannot have candy or cake.
It's too early for ice cream!

That is not yours so put it down.
Where does that belong?
No, I won't change the station again.
I'm sorry you don't like this song.

Be nice to your brother. Be nice to your sister.
Could everyone please just stop fighting?
What didn't you hear the first time?
I said to PLEASE stop biting!

Please flush the toilet. Please clean your room.
Please don't dump out the poor dog's food.
Yes, that really was a great big burp.
Now please stop, it's really rude.

Please wipe your feet. Please close the door.
For the third time, turn off that light.
Please brush your teeth and get in your jammies.
It's time to say good night.

And yet despite all of this, there are a few things
I'll never tire of hearing myself say
Night night. Sleep tight. I love you to pieces.
So glad I got to be your mommy today.

Copyright 2012 Author of The NBO Chronicles. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without permission.. Simple template. Template images by luoman. Powered by Blogger.


  1. I think this is one of my favorites! A tear at the end ;) so sweet!

  2. When this becomes a sit-com, may I please be a guest star?
