Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Rules

When N lost her first tooth yesterday, I realized that I'm really not up on all this Tooth Fairy stuff.

 After all, until yesterday, I was a Tooth Fairy virgin.

As I was tucking N in last night, she told me that the Tooth Fairy gave a friend at school new clip on earrings.  Then she looked at me pointedly and said, "I hope the Tooth Fairy brings me clip on earrings, MOMMY".

I suspect this is not so much an I KNOW you're the Tooth Fairy as much as an I suspect you are the Tooth Fairy but I'm not completely sure and besides, I'm not really sure I want to believe it just yet, so I looked at her quizzically and said "I don't know why you'd tell me. It's up to the Tooth Fairy what you get".

I didn't tell her that I was pretty sure that our Tooth Fairy didn't do earrings.

Then I kissed her good night and went downstairs to start the nightly routine of dishes, and cleaning, and email, and blogging, and back pack checking, and lunch making, and get the picture.

Several times I thought of getting Tooth Fairy money out of my purse.

And then I almost went to bed without doing it.

When I did remember and attempted to put it under her pillow, my usually heavy sleeper woke up every time I walked into her room. I managed to put a few bucks under her pillow as I kissed her good night for the third time.

But I didn't manage to get the tooth. And though I'm kind of out of touch with the Tooth Fairy details, I'm fairly certain that the idea is that the Tooth Fairy takes the tooth.


The fourth time I tried to go into N's room, she woke up and stared at me, and asked me what I was doing.

I told her I thought I heard the dog whining to get out of her room.

She looked at the dog, who was sound asleep on the floor, shrugged, and rolled back over.

I still didn't get the tooth.

So I gave up, and the Tooth Fairy wrote a note instead. A poem about how the Tooth Fairy would let her keep this one tooth, since it was the first one to fall out.

Just this once.

It was signed TF.

I slipped it under her door and she found it this morning. She was happy to have the money and the tooth, but didn't seem all that surprised to get  a note from the Tooth Fairy.

When she came home from school, and I mentioned how cool it was that the Tooth Fairy let her keep her tooth, she looked at me, clearly confused, and said "Well I left her a note asking to keep it".

Oh. You did?

And then she showed me the note she'd left on her desk before bed last night, asking the Tooth Fairy to please let her keep this tooth.

Just this once.


Score one for the TF.

1 comment:

  1. That happened because you are so B would say.
