Monday, May 21, 2012

If The Shoe Fits...

I'm not sure when my life became all about shoes.

I wish I meant that in the way you might think I do, if you don't know me very well.
Leisurely Saturday afternoons spent shoe shopping.
My walk-in closet full of nothing but leather and suede, a pair to match every outfit.

Let's be clear. That's not at all how I mean it.

Even if I had time for shoe shopping, three pregnancies and the resulting three children have guaranteed that shoe shopping is no longer fun. "Finding a cool new pair of shoes" has turned into "Hopefully finding something that I can cram my feet into--something which will look decent with my work clothes, but will also transform into a running shoe, or at least something that can be kicked off quickly and easily so that I can chase--and catch--a soon to be two-year-old, on a moment's notice". Locating this hopefully attractive, yet multi-functional pair of shoes must also be accomplished in fifteen minutes or less--the amount of time I have before the two or three children who are in the store with me begin throwing shoes at each other, at my head, or at random shoppers.

No, my "all about shoes" life has little to do with shoe shopping.

It's more like this:

Where are your shoes? Where are my shoes? Why are there shoes everywhere? Shoes don't belong in the bathtub. Please get your shoes out of my bed. Please stop drinking water out of your shoes. Please stop pouring water into my shoes. The dog does not want to wear your shoes. Please get your father's shoes out of the toilet. The dog does not want to drink water out of your shoes. Please take those shoes off of your head. Please get Barbie's shoe out of your nose. Please don't throw your shoes at your brother. Or your sister. Or me. When will you learn to put your own shoes on? How did I leave the house--again--without putting my own shoes on?

I never knew so much of my time could be consumed by shoes.
Sometimes I think I might be consumed by shoes.

I try to remember that I'm sure it will seem like no time at all before I'm saying,
Wow, when did your feet get so big?
We need to get shoes to match your dress.
I remember when your feet were that small.
I hope you'll take off your shoes and stay awhile.

Just leave them anywhere.

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